National Sports Day marking the birth anniversary of Hockey Legend Major Dhyan Chand was duly celebrated in the lush green sports outfields of Lyallpur Khalsa College. Mr. Amrik Singh Powar, former Deputy Commissioner of Police and national player of Hockey graced the occasion as chief guest. Mr. Shashwat Razdan, District Sports Officer, Jalandhar was the Guest of Honour. Principal Prof. Jasreen Kaur and Prof. Dr. S.S. Bains, Dean and Incharge of Dept. of Phy.Edu. & Sports welcomed the guests with bouquet of flowers. As a part of the program, a cross country was held wherein the first 3 position holders namely, Deepak Pal , Jasbir Singh and Bhupinder Singh along with the first 10 position holders were duly honored. Dr. Bains welcomed the guests, and briefly narrated the legend of Major Dhyan Chand. He motivated the students to follow the path of legendary player. Dr. Bains described the glorious achievements of the LKC players at national and international level in the past year. Chief Guest Mr. Amrik Singh Powar shared notable moments from his sports journey and also recalled the role played by the college in producing numerous international level quality athletes. He advised students to be good in academic as well to succeed at other levels. Principal Prof. Jasreen Kaur reiterated the college’s commitment towards providing a conducive atmosphere and facilities for its budding sportsmen and urged the sportsmen to follow their disciplines with full dedication. During this occasion, Sh. Surjit Singh Deputy Commandant and National players & coaches Sh. Bhupinder Singh, Sh. Gurjeet S.Kahlon, Sh. Mukhjinder Singh, Sh. Mandeep Singh, Sh. Harmanpreet Singh, Sh. Harpreet Bansal, Sh. Dharampal Singh and Mr.Rajan were honored. Moreover, Ground staff and gardeners were given track suits as token of gratitude for their services. Prof. Satpal Singh managed the stage. Around 100 players participated in the cross country race. The occasion was also witnessed by Prof. Amritpal Singh Nindrayog, Dr. Vikas Kumar, Prof. Surbjit Singh, Prof. Ajay Kumar, Prof. Manveer Singh and other staff members.
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