Manraj Singh, a student of Lyallpur Khalsa College, won a prize of 5 lakhs from 'Zee Punjabi'
Lyallpur Khalsa College Jalandhar, the premier educational institution of North India, is making great strides in the field of education and sports, while it is also making proud achievements in the field of art. In the field of theater, it has emerged as a special signature and has achieved special positions at various levels. Recently, Zee Punjabi organized a competition in a special program 'Antakshari'. Manraj Singh, a talented student of our college and Sunil, a master theater artist, jointly formed a team of 6 members and participated. Due to their hard work in this tough competition, their team won the first position and got a cash prize of rupees five lakh (Rs.5,00,000/-) and brought glory to their family and especially to their college. In this regard, the principal of the college, Prof. Jasreen Kaur, gave special honor to the winning team. Principal Madam, on this occasion, said that the college is always proud of such talented students. She said that only such talented students become guides for the upcoming students. She also said that the college will always take important steps to create enthusiasm among students for arts. She congratulated the Dean, Cultural Affairs Dr. Palwinder Singh Bolina and theater in-charge Dr. Harjinder Singh Sekhon and appreciated their keen eye and special role in this award
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